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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Inspirational Broken Heart Sayings

Your Valentine's Day should be remarkable and leave an unforgettable impression in the mind of your beloved. Although diamond jewelry can strike a romantic chord, most people must think more practical for financial reasons. Celebrate your love together this Valentine's Day by doing something romantic for each other. Here are a few ideas that you can do.

What can be better than a candlelight dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day? This is one of the most romantic Valentine's Day ideas. You can go to a romantic restaurant for the dinner or you can arrange to have it at your home. If you are planning to go out, select a restaurant ahead of time and book the table early. If you cook the meal yourself, don't forget dessert--something chocolate such as chocolate covered strawberries.

After dinner, put on some nice romantic music and dance. Dinner and dancing go hand in hand for a romantic evening. If you're at home, put on a CD and dance around the living room, or go outside and dance under the moon and stars. A good song to dance to on Valentine's Day is Martina McBride's Valentine. If you are at a restaurant, before you leave the parking lot, roll down the car window, find a nice song on the radio or put on a CD if your car has a CD player, walk your beloved to the front of the car and dance together in the glow of the headlights

Flowers are beautiful and they are a very nice gift to give and to receive. However, balloons are less expensive and more fun. Purchase two or three packages of balloons. Blow them up all except for about ten of them, tie them and spread them all over the bedroom floor around the bed. Blow up the remaining ten balloons but before tying them, insert little notes giving 10 different reasons why you love your beloved. Then tie them and mix them with the others. In the middle of the bed, have a stuffed animal holding a card and surrounded by Hershey's kisses. The card should read, "In the midst of a room full of balloons, you must find the ten special balloons and pop them to find the hidden messages for the ten reasons why I love you." Here are some suggestions to put on the notes. I saw these written on little stones.

I love you for always getting my jokes

I love you because you are an inspiration

I love you because you're so much fun

I love you because of your great smile

I love you for being so giving

I love you because I just do

I love you because you love me

I love you because you rock

I love you for your honesty

Try to come up with some of your own. Your dear one must have asked you or even guessed why he or she is loved by you. This is a time you can make a list of all the reasons. You can stick the little notes in balloons, you can write them in a booklet or you can write them on stones.

Cut little hearts from card paper and write "I love you because" messages on them. Then glue them to the base of Hershey's chocolate kisses. Put them all in a graffiti decorated box and present them to your beloved on Valentine's Day.

If you can come up with 14 reasons, use every day of the first 14 days of February to take a soap bar or lipstick and write an "I love you because" message on the mirror.

Here's another thing to do with the first 14 days of February. On February 1st, purchase some candy hearts or cinnamon candies and hide them all over your house. Give your beloved a decorated jar and tell him or her that they have until February 14th to find and collect the candies. Then they can use the candies to purchase off your menu. On the day before Valentine's Day, give your beloved a kind of menu of options for Valentine's Day. He or she can trade candies for different items on the menu, (i.e. a half hour massage=10 candies; a homemade dinner for 2=2 candies). This way you can ensure that your beloved gets the Valentine's Day that they want instead of the one you think they want.

Feelings can be best expressed through gifts. For this Valentine's Day, why not give your beloved a subscription to their favorite magazine? Each time your beloved receives an issue, they will remember this special Valentine's Day!

Here's something to do for next Valentine's Day. Every day this year starting on February 14th, write your beloved a love letter or a short love note. Put all the notes in a heart shaped box, and present it to your beloved next Valentine's Day. Tell him or her to read one a day so they will have a year's worth of love notes to read. Wouldn't you just love to get a love letter every day for a year?

By Tanya Michalski

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