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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Coquette And The Coquetry

When I was a teenager I needed to know how much a lady competitor cared about me, even though she tries always to outrun me in class works. Her desire to remain on top of every matter in the class was not actually as a result of her hatred for me, though I always try to put up a challenge against her desire to be the foremost student.

The day I decided to put up some few questions across, I discovered one serious weakness on her part - the desire to be noticed. Flirt may be the word, yet this coquettish behaviour left a disapproving mark on her person. I quickly grabbed that opportunity to launch out an assault on her and it paid off. She quickly caved in and got her fingers burnt.

Each of us has vulnerability like my competitor in school, that satan is eager to exploit. It may be something additive like drugs or alcohol, or it may be something seemingly harmless and perhaps even good like food, friendship, or work.

After His resurrection, Jesus asked Peter this personal and probing question: "Do you love Me more than these?" (John 21:15). Many have speculated as to what Jesus meant by the word "these", but it is probably better that we do not know. It allows each of us to personalize the question ask ourselves, "what do I love more than Jesus?" Is it food, drink, drugs, etc? What about those behaviours that are typical of a coquette?

It is no longer news to hear people tell us that satan hates us, what is news now is that he uses the things we love to tempt us. When satan finds out what you love more than God, he knows how to use it to manipulate you. The good news for all of here is that satan loses his grip over us the moment we delight ourselves in the Lord. The way people observe our lives, is the same way the enemy of our souls (satan) does. To be good representatives of Jesus Christ, the Bible tells us that we are to be submissive to authority, to live an honourable life, to do good works, to honour all people, and to fear God (1 Peter 2:11-17).

It is the testimony of our lives that gives us the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus. So we might want to ask ourselves, "What do people see in me?" Do they see Jesus or do they see a coquette in me?

Vitus Ejiogu is a writer and publisher with the Fire-Brand Int"l Ministries, a media ministry that is based in Nigeria.

He is the editor of FOUNDATION SATELLITE magazine also published by the ministry. He pastors a Church in Bauchi and is married with two children.

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