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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The New Swear Words the Christian Church Has Made Happen in the World

What are the words that we have created in the world to be swear words you ask? Could it be possible that the hypocrisy in the church is as bad as it was when Jesus came to earth? This is a sobering message to the church of the last days.

I write a lot of nice things and share good things and sometimes I get told by Jesus Christ of the Holy Spirit, or the Father to do something and I have to do as they say. As I am a slave of Jesus Christ.

Do you know that Jesus said when he walked the earth that the teachers of the law and the Jewish people had done such a bad job of keeping the law and showing love that now the Gentiles used the Holy name of the Father as a modern swear word in the Israel he was brought up in.

Do you know what hearing people use His beloved Fathers name as a swear word did to Jesus?

It was like a knife getting put through his body. Every single time it happened he almost doubled over in pain like you would if you were stabbed.

You see Jesus knew the Father. And having people swear all the time hurt him.

And the church of today the whole ten virgins think that they are all going to heaven. It seems that you get be addicted to porn and cheating on your wife every time you do it, is something that can be forgiven forever as long as we have said the sinners prayer.

Yet today, people use Jesus and Christ separately and together to swear. And what do we do? Film producers are allowed to play a film with those words in it and we do nothing.

It seems the whole world is down on the first born son of Abraham's descendants? Yet if you used the name of their prophet in a western mainstream film as a swear word their would be riots break out all over the world!

The church who are called to be like Jesus, are just as big hypocrites as the ancient Jews of Jesus' day.

I love the Muslims, my brothers. You think losing his son forever didn't hurt Abraham for Sarah's lack of faith? You think Abraham one of the great cloud of witnesses of Hebrews 12, the great men of faith, who look over the affairs of earth sings happy songs when over two million innocent civilians have died in Iraq since 1990?

You think God is on your side if you have prayed a once sentence sinners prayer? You think you can be wicked on the inside and all nice and Christian on the outside and get into heaven guys?

Don't you know that the older brother of the prodigal son didn't enter the feast? Don't you know at least half the church is not going to make the grade of holiness and not have enough oil in their lamps to make the wedding feast. Do you know God has been asking for the people that want to come to the wedding supper for years and still we put the lusts of the world before him?

James 4:4 if you look it up says that anyone that is a friend of the worlds is an enemy of Gods.

Do you know if I was in serious trouble and didn't have some great Salvation Army pastors that loved me, and I needed food to last a fortnight I wouldn't go to a Christian church and ask. I would go to Buddhists or Muslims before the Christians.

It is not okay to be rich in this world with all your treasure on earth when all the churches in the poor countries in the world need money and resources to grow the gospel with their won pastors. It is not okay to have a three million dollar house and another one for holidays on the coast when 80 million Chinese don't own Bible?

You know I have met the Father three times in heaven? You know I have met Jesus many times on earth and he comes to where I am and he chats to me. Do you know whenever I am out doing life, Jesus will give me a message to strangers, a message that they need to know to cope with their day or I the future.

People call be crazy and mad. Jesus blood covers all sin. The grace doctrine is letting people in ardent rebellion to the teachings of Jesus allow slavery to exist in the world and people all around the world die of preventable diseases.

The great USA who preaches to the whole world lets a man die if he hasn't got paid up medical insurance? How can you allow that to happen?

Why don't you guys have the free health care of England, Canada and Australia?

And why go after terrorists guys. Really guys, your CIA starts wars and trains the guys who end up attacking you.

Oh, if only the sheep would hear Jesus voice and obey his commands. People are afraid to listen to Jesus or the Holy Spirit as they think they are going mad and speaking to themselves.

I told my psychiatrist over a year ago that I have a free prophecy site and that I get messages for total strangers whenever I go out. She always asks me how many messages I am getting each time I visit. My old doctor only saw my once every three months, but this lady only allows me a month between visits. She is really worried for me.

This last visit she said she was going to add a medication to my morning dose of pills that would stop me getting messages for strangers. I told her I don't want it and I don't need it.

Do you know what she said to me brothers and sisters? She said in front of my new case worker. "Matthew just humour me. If it is your illness giving them messages then the pill will stop that. But if it is Jesus giving them messages then no pill will stop it will it?"

I am so excited as I had three divine appointments today and Jesus is still speaking. I have been on the pill for about a week. I am looking forward to my next appointment and sharing my bold testimony with her.

Guys, I am sorry for being hard on you.

Let me ask you this. When the woman that was caught in adultery was saved by Jesus and the law met grace, when Jesus said go and sin no more, did she really go and sin no more in that way?

Guys I am asking you. Did that encounter with grace in a body, pre "Holy Spirit power" to fight temptations, stop that lady from living that way?

Yes it did my friends.

God can forgive you for adultery guys, but you can't go on and do it again and again in His face all the way to heaven.

Jesus said to look at a woman and imagine it is as bad as the sin. What would he think of people being addicted to porn on the net? Didn't he say better to cut of your right hand then use it to sin? Even a child can read that verse and not understand the way I just explained it.

Guys and girls you need to repent from sin and stop!

Guys read what Jesus said to do, I will post a link at the bottom of this article with the 50 commandments of Jesus. You know in all my life, I have heard so many times people preach on the questions of Jesus to Peter, do you love me. Then to feed the sheep.

And guys you are being as bad as Peter if you are not feeding poor Christians in you country or in poor countries.

They harbour on and say in the Jewish language if something is said more them once it is said to make a stronger point.

Let me tell you something Jesus said four times between the last supper and the cross. I would think four times is more important than three times. You could say these repetition of the same words four times before his death were his most important parting words, but in all my life I have never heard one preacher preach it.

He said simply. "If you love me, obey my commands."

Do you know if the West who where Christians obeyed the commands of Jesus we could get the money for those eighty million Bibles for China in one week! If the rich lazy west obeyed Jesus, the preventable diseases of the world and poverty could be almost all fixed up!

You wonder if you know Jesus and you are close to him? Does he speak to you and give you commands?

Love and hugs

Be blessed.

A hard word from a friend is a good thing says proverbs somewhere!

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