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Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Sheep Hear My Voice!

Now that we the American citizens have made it through another year of fighting for our Constitutional Rights and to be protected by our Bill of Rights; I just want to say thank you Lord Jesus Christ for sitting on the Right had of God our Heavenly Father interceding for us all! (Luke 22 verse 69) I say this prayer for all of the citizens of America.

Since the last Presidential election American citizens have been ruled with an iron fist like the communist nations. Since 9/11, the American citizens are treated like terrorist by our elected public servants. Our elected public servants claimed they had to pass the Patriot Act in order to protect our American way of life. Well freedom is our way of life and this Act takes away our freedoms and makes our public servants dictators over, the American citizens. You may say ask is this possible? Well let me begin with a several quotes citizens believe regarding the United States of America: "We are a Christian nation." "America is a civilized nation." "America is a powerful nation." "American citizens live in a free nation." "American media is free." "American citizens live under a system of democracy." "Our elected public servants honor their oath of affirmation to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from foreign and domestic enemies." (Article 2,Sec.1, Clause 8) "Our military are fighting all over the world to keep American citizens free." There are other quotes that I know you, the reader can think of too, but I will stop with these.

Out of all the previous quotes which one do you recognize as the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ? Remember, His sheep hear only His voice and follow it. (Mark 13 verse 31 and John 10 verses 27, 28). So let me tell you what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have to say about all of these quotes. "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my Word will last forever."(Matt 24 verse 35 and Matt 5 verse 18) Apparently all of the previous quotes ended in 2001. If you do not believe it then just fill out an application for anything in America and see what personal and private questions our public servants want from us, the free American Citizens. Then check all the latest legislation by your elected public servant you will find that all our phone calls and emails are being read by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I) and the Central Intelligent Agency (C.I.A.) thanks to the Patriot Act. I was also informed in December, 2006 that if you apply for a job your employer can access your police records. Now imagine your employer, a person who may be a criminal too, accessing your police records from juvenile to adult. Now remember we are free! You might say if one does not have a traffic ticket, a DUI, credit problems, domestic problems, money problems, prescription drug or street drug problems, or child support problems, then you do not have to worry about what your employer finds in your police records. Honestly, even the elected public servants have some of the previous problems that I have listed above. However, at the time congress passed the Patriot Act they were scared of every American citizen who lived in America not just the people who commit the terrorist acts.

The Words of our Lord Jesus Christ concerning America is as follows: "You will know His disciples by their fruits." (Matt 7 verse 20 and Luke 6 verse 44) If we are listening to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ voice then we will be about our Heavenly Father business, meaning having a clear consciousness of our identity and mission in Christ. (Luke 2 verse 49) We should be letting the love of God flow though us; so that we can reach a dying world who knows not of God or his Son. (Col 3 verse 16) American democracy is fear mongering, "God did not give us the spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind." (2nd Tim 1 verse 17) It is written, fear not man who can only destroy the body but fear God who can destroy both body and spirit." (Matt 10 verse 28 and Luke 12 verse 4, 5) It is also written if you love me you will keep my commandments. In the New Testament, the first commandment is to love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, mind, body, and strength, and the second is to love thy neighbor as thy self." (Matt 22 verse 37 and Mark 12 verses 29, 31) America we are not listening to the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are listening to the voices of our fellow man; and we are too busy trying to make personal gods out of our public servants and God is not pleased with that.

American Citizens, I suggest that you read the Bible for yourselves, for if you don't you won't know what the voice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ sounds like. In addition, I suggest you read the four gospels four times each and just read the red print first; then go back and read the four gospels again, but the second time you read the gospel read the black print only. Then go back and read the black and read print together twice. You see the best way to know what the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ sound like; is by reading His Words. He said He and his Words are one and His Words are Spirit." (John 6 verse 63 and John 14 verse 23). So American citizens and elected public servants if you believe the United States of America is a Christian Nation then you are not listening to the voice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ concerning mankind.

According to Apostle Paul, we are the children of God as we live on earth and our citizenship is in heaven. (Roman 8 verses 6 and 7). Remember also it is written "Without Him we can do nothing." (Ephesians 4) "Not by power not by might, but by my Spirit says the Lord of hosts" (Zachariah 4 verse 6). American citizens if we are going to listen to any voice then it might as well be the voice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Whose voice are you listening to?

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