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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Candid Commentary on "Jon Foreman, Your Love is Strong" Lyrics

This song really touched me the other day and I wanted to take it apart and make some comments on it and see if I can add to it's message, so that you can get more out of the song next time that you hear it. It is also for the people that like to follow my articles from time to time.

The original lyrics are in italics and my comment in ordinary text.

Heavenly Father You always amaze me Let your kingdom come In my world and in my life

In says in scripture many times that Jesus only did what he saw his Father was doing. This was another way of saying that the Kingdom of God had come to earth when Jesus was walking. When sickness, something Satan brings to our bodies, came to Jesus, it was healed. When Jesus was faced with error in the peoples teaching, he corrected that error.

When Jesus was hungry after his fast, the Kingdom of Heaven even met Him there with angels attending to His needs.

To have the Kingdom come in our lives, we need to walk in the Spirit. We need to make each step we take based on what the Bible says and what the Holy Spirit says in each situation.

The people on earth can be so far away from the life of heaven and the things of God. Letting the Kingdom of God come down into our lives makes us a dynamic people and a people that can change lives and break through barriers.

You give me the food I need To live through the day

It is hard to live without each day's food and provision in our life. This man thanks God for that provision. It is not until we are without food and we are hungry that we seem to appreciate the fact that we are lucky to have food each day. It is good to be thankful to have food, it is quite another thing to feed people that are on the streets that don't have the food that we have.

And forgive me as I forgive The people that wronged me

Sometimes its not easy to forgive the people that have wronged us, and it is a little bit easier to gossip and say bad things about a person that has let us down. Sin is so much easier to do sometimes and yet the noble thing to do is to turn the other cheek and to forgive.

The Lord is true to His Word. He will always forgive the people that love Him, yet scripture says he cannot forgive when we are not forgiving.

Last week a person did something that damaged me and my life and my future. It was hard to hold my tongue and not to write a very angry letter to the person. But hold my tongue I did, I turned the other cheek and left the offence alone.

Lead me far from temptation Deliver me from the evil one.

Temptation is a hard thing to beat sometimes. It is quite a lot easier when we repent of a sin and that sis does not have its hold on our life anymore. I used to have a place I frequented a lot and sinned in regularly right next to my station where I lived.

A year after I repented and I had not gone their to sin anymore the Lord took the place away and they shut down. I found out as one day I was overcome with the temptation and I had given up. I got to the place of sin and found a note there that said it had closed and was not at another address. That day the Lord delivered me from the Evil one.

I look out the window The birds are composing Not a note is out of tune Or out of place

The birds indeed are great singers and it is great to look at nature to see what is perfect out there and be glad with God. Our lives should not be out of place either and scripture supports the fact that with every single sin, God provides a way out so we don't have to sin.

I look at the meadow And stare at the flowers Better dressed than any girl On her wedding day.

Jesus told us not to worry about what we were going to wear and said that even the lilies in the field were better dressed than us and they never have to weave or spin. He told us not to worry as if the Father looks after the birds and the grass of the field, wouldn't he look after us also?

Are you worrying? Take it to God. Seek out His promises and claim them over your life.

So why do I worry? Why do I freak out? God knows what I need You know what I need

I think it is built into us as humans to worry. We worry about everything and it is just not good. We should soak ourselves in the Word of God and move in the way that we should as a follower of Jesus. We have a real Father in Heaven and He loves us with all of His heart and is not going to leave us in a hopeless position.

Chorus (3x): Your love is Your love is Your love is strong

I loved this chorus as the Lord's love is so strong. Nothing can break it. It comes from Him and we are so lucky to have it in our lives. Jesus' love and that of the Father can do great things for our lives. Why don't you listen to this song and sing to the Lord?

The kingdom of the heavens Is now advancing Invade my heart Invade this broken town

Whenever the truth is declared in faith the Kingdom advances strongly. When people capture the truth of any situation and get encouraged to move and to change the way that they do things, then we have a good move of God.

When the Lord speaks to any heart and changes that heart and He motivates that heart into action, then something good has happened in the action. This sing was the creation of something good. As a repeat of some of the things Jesus said, it is a success, and as something He said, why don't you make a move and make a difference in the world!

I know in months to come I am going to be doing something new in Sydney and the presence and the messages of Jesus will come to my town, what about yours? Can you change your town?

The kingdom of the heavens Is buried treasure Will you sell yourself To buy the one you've found?

Jesus taught that a man found a buried treasure in a field. He could not take the treasure as the legal owner of that field would have right to the worth of that treasure in the long run. The only way to legally take claim of that treasure was for that man to sell all his possessions and buy that land and then dig up that treasure.

Many people do not see the significance of that parable/story of Jesus. Jesus says that he is the treasure in the field and the only way to possess him legally is for you to sell all of what you awn as well as your own will. Yes that is right, to own Jesus you have to let go of what you want and all that you own and give it up for Jesus.

Let me be serious with you all here guys and girls. I find FEW people that ever really submit to Jesus and who are slaves to Christ. Most people want the best that this world has to offer and the best of the faith. But this is not God's way and this is not the way that Jesus taught.

Jesus wants you to cash up. He wants you to buy less expensive things and live in a less expensive house and drive and less expensive car and get all that money and sow it into His kingdom.

Two things you told me That you are strong And you love me Yes, you love me

Many people are not aware that God will fight the battle that is in front of them. Many people do not know that Gods is strong. Many people think that they have to sin to make sure that justice is served. Many have no idea that God is a lot smarter than them. Many people do not trust God to avenge them and make things right. Few people know the strength of God and His abilities as they are too busy doing all the things that happens all be themselves.

Few people really know that God loves them and that His ways in the Bible are right. Few people know that the ways of the Lord God are right as if they did, they would follow what is outlines in the Bible. Few people have a real understanding of the Love of God. As if they really did think God loved them and He knew best, then they would not always take matters into their own hands, but would give time and space for God to act on their behalf.

Our God in heaven Hallowed be Thy name above all names Your kingdom come Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven Give us today our daily bread Forgive us wicked sinners Lead us far away from our vices And deliver us from these prisons

Pray that with all of your heart guys and girls. Believe and receive and let the Father speak to you and change you through His Holy Spirit. Live in right standing with the God of the Universe. Walk hand in Hand with Jesus and let the Holy Spirit give you the direction that you must go in.

Spread the Love of Jesus with the world so that the Kingdom of God will advance in YOUR little piece of the world. Trust God to supply your needs as you try and give 20% of your income away and live in total abandon to Jesus.

If my words have stirred you in any way feel free to get in contact with me.

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