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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Is My Wife Having an Affair? - Get the Truth! Use These 4 Tips to Catch Her Red Handed!

You know, it really wasn't too long ago that I was sitting in your shoes...Browsing the internet in desperate search of a way to catch my wife having an affair with another man...It wasn't until I followed these 4 tips that I finally started to make any progress at all.

As we all know, going through an affair is very difficult. However, I really think that as men, we have it a little bit worse than women. I mean, we put a lot of work into these relationships, and women can just be so manipulative in return. It's really difficult to know what to do when you think your wife is having an affair, but guess what...

The best thing for you to do right now is get undeniable proof that your wife is cheating on you. And I want to help you do exactly that.

Below you'll find 4 tips I used to catch my wife having an affair:

1 - She Asked Weird Questions -

This is one of the biggest tips that you can find, the key to using it correctly is to know what questions your wife will ask in an affair, and that requires personal knowledge of her (hopefully you've got that!).

You see, the thing is that your wife will often assume that you think about the same things as her, and hey, she may even be right most of the time. But the point is that she'll ask questions that you would never in a million years ask yourself. For example, here's one that my wife asked me before I caught her cheating:

"How do you know you love me?"

Honestly, it wasn't even the question itself...It was the way she asked it. The above question is a big one that I actually see with surprising frequency (it's my job to help people catch affairs, FYI, that's how I see it with 'surprising frequency'). Questions about 'true' love, romance...basically anything intimate...are going to be great candidates for further investigation.

2 - She Buys New Underwear and You Never See it

Obviously your wife is going to try to look good for any guy she's having sex with. Therefore, very often she might buy new underwear or clothes, obviously with the intent to wear them for a man, but YOU never see them. Or worse, maybe you'll only see her in them once she's already shown them to her lover. You just need to be aware of what she's buying...Receipts are a great way to get proof of any affair.

3 - She Takes a Secret Personal Day

If you and your spouse work at separate jobs, then there's a very good chance that she'll use a vacation day or two sometime to go see her lover. If you regularly keep tabs on her work or her paychecks, then you should be able to see when she's absent from where she says she is.

4 - Be Creative and Learn More

Listen, when it comes down to it, you know your wife a lot better than I do. If you really suspect that your wife is cheating on you, and believe me you'll know when you suspect it, then your best bet is to get solid proof as soon as physically possible.

The sooner you get PROOF of an affair, the sooner you can stop asking questions like "Is my wife having an affair?" and start asking questions like "How can I save my relationship".

Sorry, that may have been a little unclear. The point is that to move forward you need to get proof first.

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