flow these methods

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Bad Do You Want Something?

A story. Tom and Ciara see each other across the bar. She glances and gives him a quick smile. He shyly turns away. Its how he is, he's shy always has been and doesn't particularly like it. He is drawn to her. She gives off a vibe that is drawing his attention more and more until finally he's had enough. He decides he's going to get over his shyness, wants this girl and will not stop until he gets her. He approaches, nervously and strikes up a conversation. He is amazed at how easy its been.

One year later, they share a bottle of champagne to celebrate the good times they have shared together, the love they have for each other and the future. Until...

Things start to get a bit rough, Tommy tries his best but just doesn't seem to get anywhere. Ciara is too tired, she's sick, she's this and she's that but still expects everything she got off Tommy to be the same. He tries to talk to her but ends up feeling worse, shot down, rejected.

Finally, he snaps. That's it. He tells her its over, he's exhausted, he's spent, he can't take anymore. He doesn't want to suffer anymore.

She has a sudden change of heart, she'll try harder, she's sorry, she'll do anything just "please don't leave me" she sobs. He doesn't want to hear it. He asks, "Whats going to be different this time?" she has no reply, but she says "I love you so much and you love me, surely we can try". He still have it. She persists and persists and persists, and eventually he's begins to calm down and thinks "maybe it is worth one more go.

They gave it another go, and couldn't be happier. She has all the time in the world for him, and he has the same for her. They both share one love that cannot be broken.

Moral of the story:

She realised she nearly lost it all, and refused to give up. She set her mind to retain the man that made her so happy and she would not stop until she changed his mind.

He realised he had worked so hard on something to just down tools and give up, and decided nothing will be given up without a fight.

They both used their mind to gain what they wanted and their minds alone. They did not play games, resort to abusive language and most importantly they did not give up on what they wanted.

So the mind is the most powerful tool known to man, if you can use it correctly. You never have to stop fighting for what you want, because eventually, if you don't give up, no matter what it takes, you will get it.

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