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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Abuse Of Today's Woman - How To Stop The Abuse - Ladies Do Not Have To Take Abuse

Why would a woman let a man hit and abuse her for any reason. I do not care how much a man tells a woman that he loves her when the hitting and verbal abuse starts get out ladies.No man has the right to slap or abuse any one no matter what the case. I have seen so many women that put up with this abuse for years and then life gets even worse. I believe that this abuse of women is getting out of control in this country. Wake up ladies once a man starts to verbally and physically abusing a woman the hitting and abuse gets worse the longer a woman puts up with abuse. I have spent some thirty five years watching women get hit and cursed and sometimes worse. I can honestly tell any woman once the abuse starts it will never end unless the woman leaves of reports such attacks to the police.

I have talked to several different women that have gone through physical and verbal abuse over the last thirty years. Women have to realize that just because their parents did this and stayed together this is not the answer. I once went out with a woman that thought that her love would change this problem. Once a man breaks that bond of trust between man and a woman by raising their hand it will more likely get worse the longer the abuse goes on. I have heard such comments like I deserved to be hit. No woman should put up with being hit because this not only takes away your spirit and lowers your self confidence. Living with this constant abuse can cause so much depression in a woman`s life.

I believe that a woman should get out of this type of relationship as soon as this can be done. No woman will ever help her self esteem by letting herself be abused. Do not ever let any man tell you that you asked to be hit. Any man that would do this is usually lacking in self confidence. The more a man like this feels that his manhood is questioned the more it will be taken out on the woman this builds their eagle to know that they have control over his woman. There is no future for any woman that is being abused. A man will always tell you they are sorry until the next time they feel like taking their anger out on a woman. Do not let a man like this make a woman feel like they are the cause of this anger.

Do not ever let a man hit woman at any time all it takes is that first time for a man to break that bond and then it will never stop. I know that some women lack self confidence and think that they can not do any better. I will tell any woman do not let any man make you feel that you are less then any other woman this is not the truth. Some man will not hit a woman unless they are drinking or drunk then a woman will get hurt even more. Sometimes a woman just has to be aware that no self respecting woman would ever put up with some guy abusing her. I have known guys in my life that think that think they are Gods gift to a woman and some woman even believe this.

Some women have been abuse for so long that they lose their own worth and value so do not believe that any woman has asked to be abuse in any way.I have seen so many young women beaten until they are made into hookers to make cash to support some guys dope habit.I have had girls eighteen and younger tell me that they can not do anything else. Some young women can not read or write so some guy convinces her that they have no other choice. Some guys actually tell their girl friend if you love me you will do this for me. So many young women end up having their life ruined before they get a chance to learn that no woman deserves to be a piece of meat for any man.

I hope that these women will realize no woman has to be treated this way by any man. There is always another way have enough belief in your self to realize that the more you degrade yourself the bigger a hold this man will have over you. I do not care what woman`s parents or any person has told any woman you are truly better then this. I believe that when a woman realizes that they are only less when they let some guy take advantage of them.

I have seen women with black eyes and beatings worse then that deny that any one ever hit them. these women will tell people who ask that they fell or ran into some thing to avoid facing that truth. I hope that these women will realize that no man is worth loving if they are demeaning you. Start telling your self that no one has the right to make me feel less then I am. I am a person that deserves respect for whom I am. The first step to healing is realizing that as a woman is to believe that you deserve better then that no matter what any one else thinks. No matter how hard this first step may be it will be easier then a future where you might end up dead. Life has more to offer a woman then a life time of hell and misery. I hope that women will red this and realize that no man has the right to use and abuse them.

Every woman is worthy of better then walking around in pain because some guy has to take their anger out on a woman. No man has the right take away any woman`s dignity. No man has the right to abuse a woman because they are smaller. I pray that these women will realize that no matter what has happened to them they re always better then those that degrade and abuse a woman in the name of love. The longer a woman puts up with verbal and physical abuse the more control this man will have over them. I believe that all these women have to understand there is better out there for you all you have to do is reach out to get help and times will soon get better.

Every woman deserves to be treated like a lady just believe this for yourself. There is a better and more fulfilling future out there for you just have respect for yourself enough believe that. I can tell any woman there is better for them they just have to believe . I hope that this article will help put and end to abuse of any woman any where.

As always I write with respect.

My name is Mike Carvell, of the voice. I hope that this will be read by all publishers, and that they agree with me that we need a voice for change. I believe that if we all work together we can change many problems that face our country today.

I believe that if you put your column and respect on the line, that we can all make this column a voice for all people, I mean all people. Tell me what you want changed, and I will keep this column honest, direct, and to the point with the commitment - you need to affect change.

Once again, I need your respect help and commitment to make this accomplishment possible. I not only believe in all Americans but the rights and respect of you all to make this commitment for which I will write with all honesty and respect and power that I can with respect for all my future work, thank you.

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