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Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Unconditional Love Really Means

While talking about unconditional love, one might think of a relationship between a mother and her child. That is a love without contingencies. In fact, by its very nature true love is unconditional. Love is patient and kind. It doesn't anger easily and keeps no record of wrongs. A mother's love always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. It is not selfish or jealous. Unfortunately many people believe that a mother's love is the only unconditional love we can find on this planet. But let me tell you that I have experienced it with people other than my mother and once you have you'll never settle for anything less.

Too many people confuse love with duty and have difficulties differentiating between them. They base their love for another person on how that person makes them feel. If the person stops making them feel good, or stops doing the things that make them feel good they stop loving the person and may even begin to recent or hate that person. Imagine a mother who stops loving her child because the child won't do chores. That would be a conditional love. She would be saying I love you as long as you keep your room clean, if you don't I'll stop loving you and maybe even hate you. This may sound silly but what chores or expectations do we place on our spouses or do they place on us? If not completed faithfully, is the love in the relationship questioned? What about the example of "I'll only love you as long as you love me back". Why would I stop loving you just because you don't love me? Isn't that selfish? To be clear, unconditional love is not comprised of any duties or contingent on what one person does for another.

Love is universal. It is not bounded to culture or region; it has a culture in itself. Loving someone is a gamble, people change in what seems like the blink of an eye. But real love is reflected from your steadfastness is the changing times. This is what makes love unconditional. In love you do not have to demand anything from your partner. Devotion is the only meaning of unconditional love.

Sometimes you may feel your partner is ignoring you for no reason, it really hurts but you have to bear it wholeheartedly. Maybe your lover is having some problems they don't want to share out of fear that you might get upset by hearing about them. This usually creates misunderstanding which can ruin the relationship from the roots. In such circumstances, the intensity of pure and unconditional love is tested. If you truly love your partner unconditionally it will be easier to stay firm. You'll be willing to take the time to seek out relationship advice from friends and websites like RelationshipAdvice911.com which let you ask questions and get other people's opinions privately.

Some people get upset and lose hope on issues like love, relationships, dating and romance. They think they are simply unlucky in love if their love life is not going the way they want. What I feel about this is that ultimately finding unconditional love depends on how much you give. An unconditional love does not need to find its true lover rather, pure love makes its way on its own and unless you are paying attention you may not even recognize it when it comes your way.

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